Please be advised that Nancy Greene Way is plowed and salted. Snow tires are recommended due to heavy snow conditions.
For information on today's activities, attractions, and dining options, please check Today on Grouse. 

Digital Passes Faqs

How do I download my digital pass? 
• Existing Passholders with a photo on file will be receiving an email with a link to download their new digital pass.   New buyers (as long as you've uploaded a photo during the purchase process) will receive an email within 24 hrs that includes a link to download your pass. If you haven't received this email in 24 hrs please email 

Do I still need a photo? 
 • Photos are mandatory and you won’t receive a link to access your digital pass if you don’t have a photo attached to your account. Please visit Guest Services to add your photo to your account. 
• If you are an active passholder of Grouse Mountain Resort and already have a photo attached to your account, that photo will be automatically transferred to your digital pass. 

Why should I choose a digital pass over a physical pass? 
• By choosing a digital pass to Grouse Mountain Resort, you are making a positive impact on the environment and saving time by eliminating the need to pick up a physical pass at Guest Services. 

Can I continue to get my resort discounts using this pass? 
• Yes, your passholder discounts will still work with the digital pass. 

Can I continue to use my digital pass as a giftcard and pay with it? 
• No, this feature is only available for physical passes. 

My family’s passes are registered to my email address 
 • If you have multiple family members who have passes to Grouse Mountain and are registered to this email address, you will be receiving a separate email unique to each family member. Forward that email to your family member so they can download the pass to their phone. Your family members still need to have individual passes to access the Skyride and chairlifts. 

What happens if my phone dies? 
 • If your phone dies while you’re on the mountain and you need access to your digital pass, please visit Alpine Guest Services in the Chalet for assistance.

Can I continue to use the Grouse Mountain App? 
 • No, the Grouse Mountain Resort App is no longer operational. 

 Is my phone compatible with the digital pass? 
 • Our digital passes are only compatible with iPhones and Android phones. In case you don’t have a phone with the requirements to install your digital pass, you are still able to pick up your physical pass from Guest Services at the base of the Mountain. 

 Are there any other options? 
 • If you don’t wish to use a digital pass, you are still able to pick up a physical pass from Guest Services. Please keep in mind that during our high season, lines can be quite long. We suggest doing this as early as possible in the season. 

 I’m a multi-pass holder, what do I do? 
• If you have more than one pass (e.g. an Annual Pass and a Winter Pass), you’ll need to download both passes to your phone which will come in two separate emails. 

 How to install your digital pass on your mobile phone: 
• iPhones have a native app called Apple Wallet. Once you’ve purchased your digital pass through our website, click the “Download” button in the email you received on your iPhone, then “Add to Wallet,” then “Add”. Your digital pass will automatically download to the Apple Wallet app. 
 • To access the digital wallet, swipe down on your home screen to activate the Search function. Type “Wallet” into the search bar. Then, tap the Wallet icon that appears under the “Applications” header. From there you will be able to access your digital pass! 

• If you have an Android device, you can install it via the Wallet Passes app: 
 o Install the app from the Google Play Store 
 o After you have the app, access the email from your smartphone and click the “Download Digital Pass” button
 o A new window will appear. Click on the “Add to PassWallet” button and the card will automatically go to your Wallet Passes app, where it can be accessed at any time. 

 On an Android Device, can I install the digital pass using Google Pay? 
•While passes will install on Google Pay we are encouraging Android users to use Wallet Passes App which can be download from the Google Play Store. 

 How to share the digital pass from an Android Phone to an iPhone 
 • Open the digital pass on your Android (the installed digital pass) 
 • Go to the back of the digital pass by tapping on the “i” button at the bottom right side of the card 
 • Tap on the “Share Pass” button 
 • Use one of the sharing options displayed on your phone (we suggest you use the Email option) 

 How to share the digital pass from an iPhone to an Android Phone 
 • Open the digital pass on your iPhone (the installed pass) 
 • Go to the back of the pass (to access the back of the pass, tap on the button that looks like three dots inside of a circle) 
 • Then, tap on the sharing button (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing up) 
 • Once you tap this button, you will see the sharing options. We strongly suggest you tap on “Email” so you can share the digital pass to the Android phone via email 

 How to share the digital pass between the same operating system devices (Android to Android or iPhone to iPhone) 
 • After installing the digital pass on your first device, you just need to use the “share” option that is located on the back of the pass to distribute it to other members that are included on your pass 
 • For iPhone users: Search for the three-dot icon “…” at the top right of your digital pass o Once you tap on the icon, search for an icon that looks like an arrow over a square on the top right of your screen 
 o You will see sharing options like Airdrop, Mail, etc…Use one of those options to share your digital pass (we recommend you use the Mail option) 
 • For Android users: Search for an “i” icon at the bottom of your digital pass 
 o Once you tap on this icon, you will see a button that says “share pass”. Tap on this button o You will see sharing options like Mail, SMS, etc…Use one of those options to share your card (we recommend you use the Mail option) 

 How to view the back information of my digital pass 
 To access the back of your Digital Pass, please follow the steps below: iOS Users: 
 • Open your digital pass 
 • Tap on the “…” icon at the top right of the card. If you don’t see this icon, make sure you are not accessing the card from your lock screen 
 • Android Users: 
 • Wallet Passes app: 
Open your digital pass 
 • Tap on the “i” icon at the bottom right of the card I received an “Error 404” or “Error 406” after I tried to install the digital pass There are some cases when the digital card email was sent a long time ago, was never opened, or it was installed on different devices. 

 There are two possible scenarios. 
 • Error 404: if you see this message, it means the link is expired. 
 • Error 406: this error can appear when you changed your mobile device to a newer or different one. 

 My pass cannot be installed at this time – what should I do? 
 If you’re seeing this, or a similar message when trying to install your digital pass: Sorry, your Pass cannot be installed to Passbook at this time. 
 • Please copy and paste your download link into a different browser on your phone. There can sometimes be a compatibility issue between iPhones and Chrome browsers, but you can try using Safari, Edge, Brave or Opera. 
 • If you have an Android phone and you’re facing the same error message, you may also try using different browsers to store the digital pass on your phone, including Edge, Brave or Opera.