Catching Up with Sam Mulligan
Alpine Canada Athlete
Posted by Grouse Mountain January 30, 2019
Over the Christmas break, Sam spent a little time at home and got back to his roots out on the slopes at Grouse Mountain. We were thrilled to be able to catch up with him between laps and chat about some of his favourite memories.
world cup ranking
#10 - Downhill (Nor-Am Cup)
#2 - Super-G (Nor-Am Cup)
#5 - Alpine Combined (Nor-Am Cup)
#3 - Overall (Nor-Am Cup)
medal highlights
#4 - Super-G FIS Junior World Ski Championships
#2 - Alp. Combined FIS Jnr. World Ski Championships
#5 - Alpine Combined Nor-Am Cup
#3 - Downhill FIS Junior World Ski Championships