For information on today's activities and attractions, and dining options please check Today on Grouse. 

Safety & risk awareness


British Columbia has an abundance of wildlife and unsurpassed outdoor recreational opportunities. Many of us live in rural communities close to nature. Despite our best efforts, we can never eliminate the risk of human-wildlife conflict. We must all accept our responsibilities to ensure that humans and wildlife can coexist.

wild bear safety

  • Do not feed bears. It's against the law to feed dangerous wildlife.
  • Remain calm. Do not run or climb a tree. Slowly back away, talking to the bear in a quiet, monotone voice. Do not scream, turn your back on the bear, kneel down or make direct eye contact.
  • Keep away from the bear. Do not try to get closer to it. If the bear gets too close, make noise to threaten or distract it.
  • Stay together. If you are with others, act as a group. Keep children close – pick up and carry small children.
  • Go indoors.
  • Watch the bear until it leaves. Make sure the bear has a clear escape route. After the bear is gone and it's safe, make sure there is nothing in the area that will attract bears back again.

cougar safety

  • Stay calm and keep the cougar in view. Pick up children immediately. Children frighten easily and the noise and movements they make could provoke an attack. Back away slowly, ensuring that the animal has a clear avenue of escape.
  • Make yourself look as large as possible. Keep the cougar in front of you at all times. Never run or turn your back on a cougar, sudden movement may provoke an attack.
  • If a cougar shows interest or follows you, respond aggressively. Maintain eye contact with the cougar, show your teeth and make loud noise. Arm yourself with rocks or sticks as weapons.
  • If a cougar attacks, fight back. Convince the cougar you are a threat and not prey, use anything you can as a weapon. Focus your attack on the cougar's face and eyes. Use rocks, sticks, bear spray or personal belongings as weapons. You are trying to convince the cougar that you are a threat, and are not prey.

deer & coyote safety

  • Create and maintain space. Give wildlife lots of room to avoid you, never crowd around them.
  • Give lots of space if taking pictures.
  • Never feed wildlife.
  • Prevent conflicts. Give all wild animals distance, not food. Avoid hiking alone. Keep children close.
  • Be predator aware. Understand and watch for wildlife warning signs.
  • Be informed and inform others of current information.
  • Respect all wildlife and their right to be here.

For more information on wildlife in BC, visit